Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Sockapalooza Pal, Are You Out There?

I joined Sockapalooza 4. Joined the blog too, but can't find my log-in information and only posted once. But I've never heard a peep from my pal. Are you still out there? Are you still knitting and intend to mail soon? Please let me know. I know I was late mailing to my pal. But I did send several emails letting her know she was not forgotten. I have since mailed - and let her know that too. But here we are, a month after the mail-by date. And no word from my pal. I guess I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed.


knitting bean said...

I'm not your sock pal, but I feel for you! I knit socks for my pal and she hasn't responded that she's gotten them. So frustrating after all the thought that went into them! If I had known that was going happen - I would have mailed them to you! I'm so sorry you haven't gotten yours, but hopefully you will soon. Wonder if we're dealing with the same person? ;)

Linda said...

Another one here frustrated by mailing socks and not having a response. (I've also not received any.) Very annoying!

I hope you get yours soon. :0)

Anonymous said...

I'm on the other end - never heard from my pal, its a month past the mailing deadline and I have no socks. Makes me feel like a fool for working hard to make two socks, sent them off to my pal with many goodies so they were there by 2 August, and even though she did not have a blog or participate thru Sockapalooza blog she did send a nice email to say she really appreciated everything. I think Allison should make pals contact their partners and tell them what happened -- where are the sock angels? I never received anything and this was my first swap that left a bad taste in my mouth about participating any further. When does this officially come to an end and what can be done (we trusted and lost).

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain! I've yet to receive my Sockapalooza socks, AND I've yet to receive a thank you for the socks I sent out. I mailed them very "last minute", so I overnight FedEx'd them to arrive on the first official day of swapping. I tracked it, so I know it was received. Nice.

Very bad taste in my mouth. Yuck.

Anonymous said...

The sock saviors are out in force now, so socks are being knitted as fast as fast fingers can make them (and mine, a bit slower but consistent), so hopefully you will have your socks before month's end!