1. We had a full day of sunshine! We've had so much rain lately, I've started checking to see if I was getting webbed feet. Truly mud season around here. But sun! All day! And a breeze to help dry things up a bit. Still can't step off the sidewalk without sinking, but progress.
2. I like numbering things.
3. But when I make an actual list, I don't usually number the items on the list.
4. Go figure.
5. I made rice pudding today.
6. I wanted to make it yesterday. But then I found out just how desperately I needed to go to the store. I had rice (which is amazing since I don't remember the last time I ate rice). And I found a rice pudding recipe that didn't need eggs. Which I didn't have. But come to find out, I didn't have enough milk either.
7. Rice pudding warm from the oven is very good.
8. So good, I've had three bowls today! Granted, they were small custard cups, but still. Three.
9. I have 2.5 miters left to go on the back of this cape. I'm really liking how the colors are playing off each other. I'm very glad I chose to go with four colors.
10. I got my copy of Patons Street Smart booklet (with the Must Have Cardigan pattern) this week. I'm really wanting to order yarn for this.
11. But I got yarn this past week for another Clapotis. Full size this time. I ordered four skeins, but I'm thinking about ordering a fifth. The pattern breaks down into fifths: 1/5 for the set-up and increase section, 3/5 for the straight section, 1/5 for the decrease section. I wouldn't need to count repeats of anything. Finish the first skein? Time to knit the straight section. One skein left? Time to decrease. Sounds very mindless for an absolutely dead simple (but to me very pretty) pattern.
12. In all that sunshine today, I didn't take a picture of the yarn! Something to add to tomorrow's to-do list.
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