Saturday, April 5, 2008

92. WIP

Of the quilting kind!

A closeup of one of the tulips:

Believe it or not, all of the tulip petals are from one fabric! And the label on the back:


cmm said...

What a lovely set of Tulips! Really makes me wish that I had some in my yard. I guess I'll have to do something about that!

Alwen said...

We're not quite to tulips yet, but daffodils and scented violets are starting to open.

I'm fairly near Holland, Michigan, which will have the tulips out in force soon. Seeing yours, I am now so ready for them!

J.P. said...

That looks awesome! So very pretty..

PJ said...

Your a quilter?!!! Thank you very much for my pkg. I absolutely LOVE the mittens! (and they fit great!) I still hadn't guessed you were my pal so this was a great suprise and to see at your blog you are a quilter! (I am too!) Anyway, I loved all the things you sent me and I just wanted to pop in and thank you for it! Love your tulip by the way...

Anonymous said...

Hey Flea!

Sorry i haven't been in touch much... this quilt is gorgeous...

I'll be at B&N on thursday hope to catch up with you there!