My team in Dish Rag Tag isn't doing too well. There was a bit of a problem right before the end and our last person had to drop out. And I think it took about 2 days to get the replacement all lined up. Drat! Guess it was too much to hope for to be on the winning team two years in a row! But my personal DRT glory is unabated. My prize from Emily's favorite dishcloth contest arrived in the mail. What a fun pattern booklet plus two skeins of cotton and some bamboo straights. These just might actually be my first pair of straight knitting needles! Oops! I'm further behind than I thought - give me a minute to transfer the pictures from the camera onto the computer. Ok, let's try this...

I love getting goodies in the mail it always brightens ones day love it all.Hugs Darcy
Sorry there won't be a repeat win for you and your team, but what a nice prize to make the medicine go down, so to speak.
If I start now, I might have time to finish the dishcloth I meant to knit for my mom!
Nice prize! I have that particular pattern book and it's one of my faves. :-)
I'm hoping to get the DRT box any day now. Keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow.
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