I never did like these socks. Knit from Lorna's Laces, I wasn't ever happy with the fit. And I really didn't like the color pooling. But I was a relatively new sock knitter and didn't do anything about it.
Until today. I opened my drawer to pick out socks and these were staring at me. I try to rotate which socks I wear so I don't wear out a "favorite" before its time. But these don't get worn their fair share. So off with their toes! Err...something like that.
I figured they were LL to begin with. A good sturdy yarn. And while they had been worn, it wasn't that much. They unravelled rather well. A bit of fuzz, but even the heels and heel flap weren't a problem. I have the rewound skeins washed and hanging to dry. Not sure what they will become now. Jaywalkers? Monkeys? Lorna's Laces needs a pattern to break up the crazy color pooling.
Edited to add: squemish? squeamish? I ran spell check, and it said everything was correct. And neither spelling looks right, so who knows! Do you? Which is it? And it's totally cool that I got a comment from Lorna's Laces! How do they do that??? I mean, I have a tiny blog. How on earth was this post found in the vastness of cyberspace?