Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Vermont, New Hampshire and Neighbors with Motorcycles

Well, I'm off again. This morning I am heading to Vermont and then to New Hampshire. I won't get to all of the quilt shops on this trip. But looking over the map, there are a lot of quilt shops in Maine. And the stores I will miss through New Hampshire (maybe one or two in Vermont also) are all on the southern end of the state. So those are the stores that will get me to Maine. I have been to Vermont, but not to NH or ME, so that is exciting.
And I need to be on the road already. Had the alarm set for earlier than I am used to getting up. And at 1 am, the neighbor needed to work on his motorcycle - and it is loud enough to wake me up, two doors away. Note to self: walking up the street at 1 am in your pj's to ask the neighbor to please do that later since I needed to be up at 5 is not a good idea. Fortunately, before the idea sounded really worth walking up the street at 1 am, he drove off.


knitting bean said...

Hmmm, sounds like you could live in our neighborhood! We have a neighbor who loves to work on his Harley around 2 am. NOT FUN! Enjoy your trip - and maybe you can catch some zzzzzs here and there!

Sheryl said...

LOL! My husband and I both ride motorcycles but at 1 a.m. we are sleeping, not riding. Does that make me old and boring?