But yesterday! Yesterday was a different story. Linda (a new friend from Ravelry) and I carpooled up to Narrowsburg, NY to visit 4 Corners of Artful Living for WWKIP day. The yarn section a small back room of a long narrow, cozy gift shop. Very eclectic and fun place. There isn't a huge selection, but I have a feeling as the yarns sell, more variety will be added.

Chris had been posting lots of wonderful comments on ravelry about the goings-on. And finally Linda and I were able to carpool our way up there. They had free drinks, enough snacks for an army, doorprizes, gifts, and some lovely people. And of course, I bought some yummy yarn. I've decided to make another felted bag - even though I haven't posted anything about the new felted bag I made last week! There was a lovely class sample in the store. I am going to use the same pattern as before, just modified this time. But Chris's sample has this stunning felted flower. So we'll see what I can get into!
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