Monday, December 31, 2007

With Intent

That is my new year's resolution/mantra for the coming year. Do live with intent. In my relationships. In my work. My home. And in my knitting and other crafting endeavors.
I responded to an email from my cousin last night. This dear soul has been faithfully sending me emails. The last time I had written to her was TWO years ago. We rather grew up together (close in age although not geography) and I cherish her dearly. I was appalled. I kept "meaning" to write back, but just "didn't have the time right now." No more.
I have been reading some interesting books lately. One got my attention in the bookstore, and one I picked up while purchasing a book for my sister. The first is The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. And if distilled to its purest, is about living with intent. Define what you want from/in/with your life. Rather in the "ask and you shall receive" voice. I was very skeptical, but found the bit I read at the store grabbed my attention and interest. So, one purchase later, the book is upon my nightstand. And I am making an effort in the direction I think.

Also along the same lines is the second book. While in CA for Christmas, my sister asked a lot of questions to help her with her current situation at work. Which led me to the work motivation - leadership section at the book store. And the book I purchased to bring home for myself is entitled Change the Way You See Everything - through asset-based thinking. I am truly a glass half full kind of person, so this book is right up my alley. While so far, I haven't read anything earth shaking, it is all affirming and positive reading. Remember, we are not faced with problems, but with opportunities.

Live each day with intent and my life will be richer for it.

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